12  Case Study: Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System


July 26, 2024

12.1 A Case Study on the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System

The Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) is a large-scale health survey conducted annually by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in the United States. The BRFSS collects information on various health-related behaviors, chronic health conditions, and the use of preventive services among the adult population (18 years and older) through telephone interviews. The main goal of the BRFSS is to identify and monitor the prevalence of risk factors associated with chronic diseases, inform public health policies, and evaluate the effectiveness of health promotion and disease prevention programs. The data collected through BRFSS is crucial for understanding the health status and needs of the population, and it serves as a valuable resource for researchers, policy makers, and healthcare professionals in making informed decisions and designing targeted interventions.

In this chapter, we will walk through an exploratory data analysis (EDA) of the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System dataset using R. EDA is an important step in the data analysis process, as it helps you to understand your data, identify trends, and detect any anomalies before performing more advanced analyses. We will use various R functions and packages to explore the dataset, with a focus on active learning and hands-on experience.

12.2 Loading the Dataset

First, let’s load the dataset into R. We will use the read.csv() function from the base R package to read the data and store it in a data frame called brfss. Make sure the CSV file is in your working directory, or provide the full path to the file.

First, we need to get the data. Either download the data from THIS LINK or have R do it directly from the command-line (preferred):

              destfile = 'BRFSS-subset.csv')
path <- file.choose()    # look for BRFSS-subset.csv
brfss <- read.csv(path)

12.3 Inspecting the Data

Once the data is loaded, let’s take a look at the first few rows of the dataset using the head() function:

  Age   Weight    Sex Height Year
1  31 48.98798 Female 157.48 1990
2  57 81.64663 Female 157.48 1990
3  43 80.28585   Male 177.80 1990
4  72 70.30682   Male 170.18 1990
5  31 49.89516 Female 154.94 1990
6  58 54.43108 Female 154.94 1990

This will display the first six rows of the dataset, allowing you to get a feel for the data structure and variable types.

Next, let’s check the dimensions of the dataset using the dim() function:

[1] 20000     5

This will return the number of rows and columns in the dataset, which is important to know for subsequent analyses.

12.4 Summary Statistics

Now that we have a basic understanding of the data structure, let’s calculate some summary statistics. The summary() function in R provides a quick overview of the main statistics for each variable in the dataset:

      Age            Weight           Sex                Height     
 Min.   :18.00   Min.   : 34.93   Length:20000       Min.   :105.0  
 1st Qu.:36.00   1st Qu.: 61.69   Class :character   1st Qu.:162.6  
 Median :51.00   Median : 72.57   Mode  :character   Median :168.0  
 Mean   :50.99   Mean   : 75.42                      Mean   :169.2  
 3rd Qu.:65.00   3rd Qu.: 86.18                      3rd Qu.:177.8  
 Max.   :99.00   Max.   :278.96                      Max.   :218.0  
 NA's   :139     NA's   :649                         NA's   :184    
 Min.   :1990  
 1st Qu.:1990  
 Median :2000  
 Mean   :2000  
 3rd Qu.:2010  
 Max.   :2010  

This will display the minimum, first quartile, median, mean, third quartile, and maximum for each numeric variable, and the frequency counts for each factor level for categorical variables.

12.5 Data Visualization

Visualizing the data can help you identify patterns and trends in the dataset. Let’s start by creating a histogram of the Age variable using the hist() function.

This will create a histogram showing the frequency distribution of ages in the dataset. You can customize the appearance of the histogram by adjusting the parameters within the hist() function.

hist(brfss$Age, main = "Age Distribution", 
     xlab = "Age", col = "lightblue")

What are the options for a histogram?

The hist() function has many options. For example, you can change the number of bins, the color of the bars, the title, and the x-axis label. You can also add a vertical line at the mean or median, or add a normal curve to the histogram. For more information, type ?hist in the R console.

More generally, it is important to understand the options available for each function you use. You can do this by reading the documentation for the function, which can be accessed by typing ?function_name or help("function_name")in the R console.

Next, let’s create a boxplot to compare the distribution of Weight between males and females. We will use the boxplot() function for this. This will create a boxplot comparing the weight distribution between males and females. You can customize the appearance of the boxplot by adjusting the parameters within the boxplot() function.

boxplot(brfss$Weight ~ brfss$Sex, main = "Weight Distribution by Sex", 
        xlab = "Sex", ylab = "Weight", col = c("pink", "lightblue"))  

12.6 Analyzing Relationships Between Variables

To further explore the data, let’s investigate the relationship between age and weight using a scatterplot. We will use the plot() function for this:

This will create a scatterplot of age and weight, allowing you to visually assess the relationship between these two variables.

plot(brfss$Age, brfss$Weight, main = "Scatterplot of Age and Weight", 
     xlab = "Age", ylab = "Weight", col = "darkblue")  

To quantify the strength of the relationship between age and weight, we can calculate the correlation coefficient using the cor() function:

This will return the correlation coefficient between age and weight, which can help you determine whether there is a linear relationship between these variables.

cor(brfss$Age, brfss$Weight)
[1] NA

Why does cor() give a value of NA? What can we do about it? A quick glance at help("cor") will give you the answer.

cor(brfss$Age, brfss$Weight, use = "complete.obs")
[1] 0.02699989

12.7 Exercises

  1. What is the mean weight in this dataset? How about the median? What is the difference between the two? What does this tell you about the distribution of weights in the dataset?

    Show answer
    mean(brfss$Weight, na.rm = TRUE)
    [1] 75.42455
    Show answer
    median(brfss$Weight, na.rm = TRUE)
    [1] 72.57478
    Show answer
    mean(brfss$Weight, na.rm=TRUE) - median(brfss$Weight, na.rm = TRUE)
    [1] 2.849774
  2. Given the findings about the mean and median in the previous exercise, use the hist() function to create a histogram of the weight distribution in this dataset. How would you describe the shape of this distribution?

    Show answer
    hist(brfss$Weight, xlab="Weight (kg)", breaks = 30)

  3. Use plot() to examine the relationship between height and weight in this dataset.

    Show answer
    plot(brfss$Height, brfss$Weight)

  4. What is the correlation between height and weight? What does this tell you about the relationship between these two variables?

    Show answer
    cor(brfss$Height, brfss$Weight, use = "complete.obs")
    [1] 0.5140928
  5. Create a histogram of the height distribution in this dataset. How would you describe the shape of this distribution?

    Show answer
    hist(brfss$Height, xlab="Height (cm)", breaks = 30)

12.8 Conclusion

In this chapter, we have demonstrated how to perform an exploratory data analysis on the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System dataset using R. We covered data loading, inspection, summary statistics, visualization, and the analysis of relationships between variables. By actively engaging with the R code and data, you have gained valuable experience in using R for EDA and are well-equipped to tackle more complex analyses in your future work.

Remember that EDA is just the beginning of the data analysis process, and further statistical modeling and hypothesis testing will likely be necessary to draw meaningful conclusions from your data. However, EDA is a crucial step in understanding your data and informing your subsequent analyses.

12.9 Learn about the data

Using the data exploration techniques you have seen to explore the brfss dataset.

  • summary()
  • dim()
  • colnames()
  • head()
  • tail()
  • class()
  • View()

You may want to investigate individual columns visually using plotting like hist(). For categorical data, consider using something like table().

12.10 Clean data

R read Year as an integer value, but it’s really a factor

brfss$Year <- factor(brfss$Year)

12.11 Weight in 1990 vs. 2010 Females

  • Create a subset of the data
brfssFemale <- brfss[brfss$Sex == "Female",]
      Age            Weight           Sex                Height     
 Min.   :18.00   Min.   : 36.29   Length:12039       Min.   :105.0  
 1st Qu.:37.00   1st Qu.: 57.61   Class :character   1st Qu.:157.5  
 Median :52.00   Median : 65.77   Mode  :character   Median :163.0  
 Mean   :51.92   Mean   : 69.05                      Mean   :163.3  
 3rd Qu.:67.00   3rd Qu.: 77.11                      3rd Qu.:168.0  
 Max.   :99.00   Max.   :272.16                      Max.   :200.7  
 NA's   :103     NA's   :560                         NA's   :140    
  • Visualize
plot(Weight ~ Year, brfssFemale)

  • Statistical test
t.test(Weight ~ Year, brfssFemale)

    Welch Two Sample t-test

data:  Weight by Year
t = -27.133, df = 11079, p-value < 2.2e-16
alternative hypothesis: true difference in means between group 1990 and group 2010 is not equal to 0
95 percent confidence interval:
 -8.723607 -7.548102
sample estimates:
mean in group 1990 mean in group 2010 
          64.81838           72.95424 

12.12 Weight and height in 2010 Males

  • Create a subset of the data
brfss2010Male <- subset(brfss,  Year == 2010 & Sex == "Male")
      Age            Weight           Sex                Height      Year     
 Min.   :18.00   Min.   : 36.29   Length:3679        Min.   :135   1990:   0  
 1st Qu.:45.00   1st Qu.: 77.11   Class :character   1st Qu.:173   2010:3679  
 Median :57.00   Median : 86.18   Mode  :character   Median :178              
 Mean   :56.25   Mean   : 88.85                      Mean   :178              
 3rd Qu.:68.00   3rd Qu.: 99.79                      3rd Qu.:183              
 Max.   :99.00   Max.   :278.96                      Max.   :218              
 NA's   :30      NA's   :49                          NA's   :31               
  • Visualize the relationship


plot(Weight ~ Height, brfss2010Male)

  • Fit a linear model (regression)
fit <- lm(Weight ~ Height, brfss2010Male)

lm(formula = Weight ~ Height, data = brfss2010Male)

(Intercept)       Height  
   -86.8747       0.9873  

Summarize as ANOVA table

Analysis of Variance Table

Response: Weight
            Df  Sum Sq Mean Sq F value    Pr(>F)    
Height       1  197664  197664   693.8 < 2.2e-16 ***
Residuals 3617 1030484     285                      
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
  • Plot points, superpose fitted regression line; where am I?
plot(Weight ~ Height, brfss2010Male)
abline(fit, col="blue", lwd=2)
# Substitute your own weight and height...
points(73 * 2.54, 178 / 2.2, col="red", cex=4, pch=20)

  • Class and available ‘methods’
class(fit)                 # 'noun'
methods(class=class(fit))  # 'verb'
  • Diagnostics
# Note that the "plot" above does not have a ".lm"
# However, R will use "plot.lm". Why?