Specify repo, path, and github reference (master, sha, etc.)
and get back an ls
of that directory, including download links.
ls_github(repository, path = "", ref = "master")
character(1) formatted as 'user/repo_name' from Github
character(1) The path in the repo to ls
character(1) The github reference (tag, sha, branch) to run the ls on. Default is master.
A tibble
with columns including:
type (file
or dir
#> # A tibble: 114 × 10
#> name path sha size url html_url git_url download_url type
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <int> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 albania_excess_… outp… b6a0… 7145 http… https:/… https:… https://raw… file
#> 2 algeria_excess_… outp… 3729… 3816 http… https:/… https:… https://raw… file
#> 3 all_monthly_exc… outp… 674a… 377855 http… https:/… https:… https://raw… file
#> 4 all_quarterly_e… outp… 6970… 2656 http… https:/… https:… https://raw… file
#> 5 all_weekly_exce… outp… c378… 870318 http… https:/… https:… https://raw… file
#> 6 andorra_excess_… outp… 6ba4… 3558 http… https:/… https:… https://raw… file
#> 7 antigua_and_bar… outp… c019… 7194 http… https:/… https:… https://raw… file
#> 8 argentina_exces… outp… 85e7… 3838 http… https:/… https:… https://raw… file
#> 9 armenia_excess_… outp… 7b93… 7933 http… https:/… https:… https://raw… file
#> 10 aruba_excess_de… outp… a10b… 6629 http… https:/… https:… https://raw… file
#> # … with 104 more rows, and 1 more variable: `_links` <df[,3]>