New datasets

Dataset updates


  • Vignettes are large and unwieldy, so are now in a separate bookdown site.

Start Bioconductor submission process

New datasets

bug fixes

Minor updates

  • FIPS variable in usa_facts_data() now 5-digit string to match other datasets.
  • Add county_to_state_fips() function to convert from US county FIPS to state FIPS; no need to carry both values in a dataset.

Major changes

  • Add dataset_details() to catalog column names, date ranges (for datasets with dates), and dimensions
  • All dataset tests pass

Bug fixes

  • Fixed caching bug that caused data resources that needed updates to be missed.

Major changes

Major changes

  • Add vignette, Datasets, that offers quick, sortable, searchable dataset descriptions and column names across all available datasets.

Major changes

  • Add Descartes Labs Mobility dataset

Major changes

  • Add COVID-19 morbidity and mortality projections data

Major changes

  • Added Oxford Government Policy Intervention time series dataset

Major changes

  • Added available_datasets convenience function that reads from a yaml file to give a nice catalog of available data resources in sars2pack.

Major changes

  • added coronatracker_data data resource for detailed United States data. This is the only data resource that includes US testing numbers, including positive and negatives.
  • added us_county_geo_details from US census gazetteer files to provide geographic details of US counties (area, lat/long, etc.)
  • significantly expanded vignette to include data exploration and plotting of time course data for prominent pandemic sites.

Major changes

  • enhanced_jhu_data now returns a tidy tbl_df rather than a list of wide data.frames
  • new function jhu_data_to_excel that writes out “enriched” dataset to excel for sharing with non data science types. Replaces functionality of old enhanced_jhu_data.

Major changes

  • Vignette updates to include data exploration and time series visualization

Major changes

  • Add NYTimes state and county data
  • Support for USAFacts state and county data
  • Support for Johns Hopkins international data