experiments are collections of samples that were processed together. In practices, experiments are usually a GEO series or an SRA study. This function returns a list of all experiments in as a tibble.
- .pages
The number of pages to retrieve (with default=Inf
). Generally, you'll want to ignore this; it's only useful for testing.
A tibble of all experiments in
The tibble contains the following columns:
id: The ID of the experiment
title: The title of the experiment
publication_title: The title of the publication associated with the experiment
description: A description of the experiment
accession_code: The accession code of the experiment
alternate_accession_code: An alternate accession code for the experiment
technology: The technology used to generate the data in the experiment
submitter_institution: The institution that submitted the experiment
has_publication: Whether the experiment has a publication associated with it
publication_doi: The DOI of the publication associated with the experiment
publication_authors: The authors of the publication associated with the experiment
pubmed_id: The PubMed ID of the publication associated with the experiment
source_first_published: The date the experiment was first published
num_total_samples: The total number of samples in the experiment
num_processed_samples: The number of samples in the experiment that have been processed
num_downloadable_samples: The number of samples in the experiment that are downloadable
platform_names: The names of the platforms used in the experiment
organism_names: The names of the organisms in the experiment
sample_metadata_fields: The types of metadata available for the samples in the experiment
samples: a data.frame of sample metadata
Sean Davis
Alex Ho
# this takes about 1-2 minutes to complete
# for the entire experiment listing
# depending on your internet connection
# You only need to do this once (or when you want
# to update the results)
# get the first 2 pages of experiments for
# testing and demonstration purposes
experiments <- experiment_listing(.pages = 2)
# get all experiments
# experiments <- experiment_listing()
#> # A tibble: 6 × 21
#> id title publication_title description technology accession_code
#> <int> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 52090 Shared and dist… Shared and disti… Neocortex … RNA-SEQ SRP150473
#> 2 51049 Transcriptome a… Conserved proper… RNA sequen… RNA-SEQ SRP118985
#> 3 47744 In vivo molecul… Broadly neutrali… Dengue vir… RNA-SEQ SRP152576
#> 4 67685 Drug-induced ch… The NCI Transcri… To identif… MICROARRAY GSE116436
#> 5 50699 Single-cell tra… Classes and cont… We studie… RNA-SEQ SRP109000
#> 6 51542 Single cell RNA… Diversity of Int… In order t… RNA-SEQ SRP124669
#> # ℹ 15 more variables: alternate_accession_code <chr>,
#> # submitter_institution <chr>, has_publication <lgl>, publication_doi <chr>,
#> # publication_authors <list>, sample_metadata_fields <list>,
#> # platform_names <list>, platform_accession_codes <list>,
#> # organism_names <list>, downloadable_organism_names <list>, pubmed_id <chr>,
#> # num_total_samples <int>, num_processed_samples <int>,
#> # num_downloadable_samples <int>, source_first_published <date>
#> [1] 2000 21
#> [1] "id" "title"
#> [3] "publication_title" "description"
#> [5] "technology" "accession_code"
#> [7] "alternate_accession_code" "submitter_institution"
#> [9] "has_publication" "publication_doi"
#> [11] "publication_authors" "sample_metadata_fields"
#> [13] "platform_names" "platform_accession_codes"
#> [15] "organism_names" "downloadable_organism_names"
#> [17] "pubmed_id" "num_total_samples"
#> [19] "num_processed_samples" "num_downloadable_samples"
#> [21] "source_first_published"