This loads the data from the local system.file file. This file may or may not be the latest version. The current verion is from 20180107.



The clinical columns include:

TARGET USI, Gender, Race, Ethnicity, Age at Diagnosis in Days, First Event, Time to First Event in Days, Vital Status, Overall Survival Time in Days, Year of Diagnosis, Year of Last Follow Up, Protocol, Disease at diagnosis, Metastasis site, Primary tumor site, Specific tumor site, Specific tumor side, Specific tumor region, Definitive Surgery, Primary site progression, Site of initial relapse, Time to first relapse in days, Time to first enrollment on relapse protocol in days, Time to first SMN in days, Time to death in days, Histologic response, Percent necrosis at Definitive Surgery, Relapse Type, Therapy, Comment, cohort



#> # A tibble: 308 x 33 #> `TARGET USI` Gender Race Ethnicity `Age at Diagnos… `First Event` #> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <chr> #> 1 TARGET-40-P… Male Asian Not Hisp… 7270 No event #> 2 TARGET-40-P… Female Unkn… Not Hisp… 3942 Relapse #> 3 TARGET-40-P… Male White Not Hisp… 4249 Relapse #> 4 TARGET-40-P… Male White Not Hisp… 5996. Relapse #> 5 TARGET-40-P… Female Asian Not Hisp… 4987 Relapse #> 6 TARGET-40-P… Male White Not Hisp… 6085. Relapse #> 7 TARGET-40-P… Male White Not Hisp… 4889 Relapse #> 8 TARGET-40-P… Female Unkn… Hispanic… 7631. Relapse #> 9 TARGET-40-P… Male Blac… Not Hisp… 2803 Relapse #> 10 TARGET-40-P… Female White Not Hisp… 4509 Relapse #> # … with 298 more rows, and 27 more variables: `Time to First Event in #> # Days` <dbl>, `Vital Status` <chr>, `Overall Survival Time in Days` <dbl>, #> # `Year of Diagnosis` <dbl>, `Year of Last Follow Up` <dbl>, Protocol <chr>, #> # `Disease at diagnosis` <chr>, `Metastasis site` <chr>, `Primary tumor #> # site` <chr>, `Specific tumor site` <chr>, `Specific tumor side` <chr>, #> # `Specific tumor region` <chr>, `Definitive Surgery` <chr>, `Primary site #> # progression` <chr>, `Site of initial relapse` <chr>, `Time to first relapse #> # in days` <dbl>, `Time to first enrollment on relapse protocol in #> # days` <dbl>, `Time to first SMN in days` <dbl>, `Time to death in #> # days` <dbl>, `Histologic response` <chr>, `Percent necrosis` <chr>, #> # `Relapse Type` <chr>, Therapy <chr>, Comment <chr>, cohort <chr>, `Percent #> # necrosis at Definitive Surgery` <chr>, metastatic <lgl>