This function downloads and reads in the "validated SNVs" from the paper "Recurrent Somatic Structural Variations Contribute to Tumorigenesis in Pediatric Osteosarcoma." Cell Reports, April 10, 2014. The paper describes 20 WGS samples and 14 validation osteosarcoma samples analyzed at St Jude.



a tibble of results


Chen, Xiang, Armita Bahrami, Alberto Pappo, John Easton, James Dalton, Erin Hedlund, David Ellison, et al. 2014. “Recurrent Somatic Structural Variations Contribute to Tumorigenesis in Pediatric Osteosarcoma.” Cell Reports, April 10, 2014. Specifically, the data are derived from


snvs = get_stjude_snvs() head(snvs)
#> # A tibble: 6 x 8 #> sample gene variant chromosome pos class reference_allele non_reference_a… #> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <chr> <chr> <chr> #> 1 SJOS0… CAMT… CAMTA1… 1 7.72e6 MISS… A G #> 2 SJOS0… UBXN… UBXN10… 1 2.05e7 UTR_3 C G #> 3 SJOS0… SESN2 SESN2_… 1 2.86e7 UTR_3 A C #> 4 SJOS0… GRIK3 GRIK3_… 1 3.73e7 SILE… G T #> 5 SJOS0… PPAP… PPAP2B… 1 5.70e7 MISS… C A #> 6 SJOS0… DAB1 DAB1_E… 1 5.83e7 UTR_5 T C
#> [1] "sample" "gene" "variant" #> [4] "chromosome" "pos" "class" #> [7] "reference_allele" "non_reference_allele"
head(sort(table(snvs$gene), decreasing=TRUE),20)
#> #> NCAPD2 TP53 TMEM55B ZDHHC15 ZNF793 MUC16 41337 ATRX KCMF1 MRPS30 #> 9 9 7 7 7 6 5 5 5 5 #> MYBL1 AHNAK2 EYS HNRNPC MGC2752 PAX3 PEX5 RB1 ROS1 SCN7A #> 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4