The RBioc Book

A collection of chapters more than a book, but….


July 26, 2024


Who is this book for?

  • People who want to learn data science
  • People who want to teach data science
  • People who want to learn how to teach data science
  • People who want to learn how to learn data science

Why this book?

This book is a collection of resources for learning R and Bioconductor. It is meant to be largely self-directed, but for those looking to teach data science, it can also be used as a guide for structuring a course. Material is a bit variable in terms of difficulty, prerequisites, and format which is a reflection of the organic creation of the material.

Students are encouraged to work with others to learn the material. Instructors are encouraged to use the material to create a course that is tailored to the needs of their students and to spend lots of time in 1:1 and small groups to support students in their learning. See below for additional thoughts on adult learning and how it relates to this material.

Adult learners

Adult Learning Theory, also known as Andragogy, is the concept and practice of designing, developing, and delivering instructional experiences for adult learners. It is based on the belief that adults learn differently than children, and thus, require distinct approaches to engage, motivate, and retain information (Center 2016). The term was first introduced by Malcolm Knowles, an American educator who is known for his work in adult education (Knowles, Holton, and Swanson 2005).

One of the fundamental principles of Adult Learning Theory is that adults are self-directed learners. This means that we prefer to take control of our own learning process and set personal goals for themselves. We are motivated by our desire to solve problems or gain knowledge to improve our lives (see Figure 1). As a result, educational content for adults should be relevant and applicable to real-life situations. Furthermore, adult learners should be given opportunities to actively engage in the learning process by making choices, setting goals, and evaluating their progress.

Figure 1: Why do adults choose to learn something?

Another key aspect of Adult Learning Theory is the role of experience. We bring a wealth of experience to the learning process, which serves as a resource for new learning. We often have well-established beliefs, values, and mental models that can influence our willingness to accept new ideas and concepts. Therefore, it is essential to acknowledge and respect our shared and unique past experiences and create an environment where we all feel comfortable sharing our perspectives.

To effectively learn as a group of adult learners, it is crucial to establish a collaborative learning environment that promotes open communication and fosters trust among participants. We all appreciate and strive for a respectful and supportive atmosphere where we can express our opinions without fear of judgment. Instructors should help facilitate discussions, encourage peer-to-peer interactions, and incorporate group activities and collaboration to capitalize on the collective knowledge of participants.

Additionally, adult learners often have multiple responsibilities outside of the learning environment, such as work and family commitments. As a result, we require flexible learning opportunities that accommodate busy schedules. Offering a variety of instructional formats, such as online modules, self-paced learning, or evening classes, can help ensure that adult learners have access to education despite any time constraints.

Adult learners benefit from a learner-centered approach that focuses on the individual needs, preferences, and interests of each participant can greatly enhance the overall learning experience. In addition, we tend to be more intrinsically motivated to learn when we have a sense of autonomy and can practice and experiment (see Figure 2) with new concepts in a safe environment.

Figure 2: How to stay stuck in data science (or anything). The “Read-Do” loop tends to deliver the best results. Too much reading between doing can be somewhat effective. Reading and simply copy-paste is probably the least effective. When working through material, experiment. Try to break things. Incorporate your own experience or applications whenever possible.

Understanding Adult Learning Theory and its principles can significantly enhance the effectiveness of teaching and learning as adults. By respecting our autonomy, acknowledging our experiences, creating a supportive learning environment, offering flexible learning opportunities, and utilizing diverse teaching methods, we can better cater to the unique needs and preferences of adult learners.

In practice, that means that we will will not be prescriptive in our approach to teaching data science. We will not tell you what to do, but rather we will provide you with a variety of options and you can choose what works best for you. We will also provide you with a variety of resources and you can choose where to focus your time. Given that we cannot possibly cover everything, we will provide you with a framework for learning and you can fill in the gaps as you see fit. A key component of our success as adult learners is to gain the confidence to ask questions and problem-solve on our own.