The latestPkgStats
function combines outputs from several functions to
generate a table of relevant statistics for a given package.
pkgType = c("software", "data-experiment", "workflows", "data-annotation")
character(1) The GitHub repository location including the username / organization and the repository name, e.g., "Bioconductor/S4Vectors"
character(1) The date cutoff from which to analyze closed issues in the YYYY-MM-DD or YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ format (ISO 8601).
character(1) Either one of 'software', 'data-experiment', 'workflows', or 'data-annotation' (defaults to 'all' or 'software')
if (interactive()) {
latestPkgStats("Bioconductor/BiocGenerics", "2021-05-05")