List all the packages associated with a maintainer. By default, it will return all packages associated with the email.

  version = BiocManager::version(),
  main = "maintainer@bioconductor\\.org"



character(1) the character version number as used to access the online build report. For example, "3.14". The default is the "current version" as given by BiocManager::version(). Note that this is a character vector of length one and not a number.


character(1) The regex for searching through the Maintainer column as obtained from biocPkgList().


#> 'getOption("repos")' replaces Bioconductor standard repositories, see
#> 'help("repositories", package = "BiocManager")' for details.
#> Replacement repositories:
#>     CRAN:
#> # A tibble: 40 × 47
#>    Package        Version Depends Suggests License MD5sum NeedsCompilation Title
#>    <chr>          <chr>   <list>  <list>   <chr>   <chr>  <chr>            <chr>
#>  1 annotate       1.78.0  <chr>   <chr>    Artist… fb518… no               "Ann…
#>  2 AnnotationDbi  1.62.1  <chr>   <chr>    Artist… ccf96… no               "Man…
#>  3 AnnotationFil… 1.24.0  <chr>   <chr>    Artist… 2838a… no               "Fac…
#>  4 AnnotationFor… 1.42.0  <chr>   <chr>    Artist… 5c210… no               "Too…
#>  5 AnnotationHub  3.8.0   <chr>   <chr>    Artist… 458bb… yes              "Cli…
#>  6 AnnotationHub… 1.30.0  <chr>   <chr>    Artist… d9248… no               "Tra…
#>  7 Biobase        2.60.0  <chr>   <chr>    Artist… 7e427… yes              "Bio…
#>  8 BiocDockerMan… 1.11.0  <chr>   <chr>    Artist… 94bb9… no               "Acc…
#>  9 BiocStyle      2.28.0  <chr>   <chr>    Artist… 91272… no               "Sta…
#> 10 BiocVersion    3.17.1  <chr>   <chr>    Artist… 9fea6… no               "Set…
#> # ℹ 30 more rows
#> # ℹ 39 more variables: Description <chr>, biocViews <list>, Author <list>,
#> #   Maintainer <list>, git_url <chr>, git_branch <chr>, git_last_commit <chr>,
#> #   git_last_commit_date <chr>, `Date/Publication` <chr>, source.ver <chr>,
#> #   win.binary.ver <chr>, `mac.binary.big-sur-x86_64.ver` <chr>,
#> #   `mac.binary.big-sur-arm64.ver` <chr>, vignettes <list>,
#> #   vignetteTitles <list>, hasREADME <chr>, hasNEWS <chr>, hasINSTALL <chr>, …