This endpoint returns a superset of the data from #get-workflowsversionidlogs in essentially the same format (i.e. shards are accounted for by an array of maps, in the same order as the shards). In addition to shards, every attempt that was made for this call will have its own object as well, in the same order as the attempts. Workflow metadata includes submission, start, and end datetimes, as well as status, inputs and outputs. Call-level metadata includes inputs, outputs, start and end datetime, backend-specific job id, return code, stdout and stderr. Date formats are ISO with milliseconds.

cromwellMetadata(ids, query = NULL, ...)



A character() vector of cromwell IDs, typically returned from a batch submission or from a call to cromwellQuery.


passed directly to httr `GET` (for including `timeouts`, `handles`, etc.)


a list of metadata lists



## Not run: ------------------------------------ # res = cromwellQuery(terms=c(status='Succeeded',name='taskName')) # head(res) # metalist = cromwellMetadata(res$id) # str(metalist,list.len=5) ## ---------------------------------------------