# install.packages('BiocManager')
BiocManager::install('seandavi/AtacSeqWorkshop', build = TRUE, build_opts = "")
This workshop assumes:
r Biocpkg('GenomicRanges')
package and range manipulationsAfter a very brief review of ATAC-Seq and chromatin accessibility, students will work independently to follow this workflow. Additional materials are provided as links at the end of the workshop for those wanting deeper exposure. Additional materials include alignment from FASTQ files and peak calling.
An example for a 45-minute workshop:
Activity | Time |
Introduction | 15m |
Independent work | 2-3hr |
Additional exercises (optional, external) | up to 12 hours |
To Thomas Carroll at Rockefeller University for this larger workshop that served as inspiration: https://github.com/RockefellerUniversity/RU_ATACseq